Sunday, May 10, 2009

The New Star Trek movie!

I will not spoil the movie that I saw last night. I will only point out that Kirk got beaten up a lot! Also, I liked the movie very much!


Les Toil said...

Don, can't comment on the Star Trek movie as I haven't seen it yet (don't burn me at the stake! I'll be seeing it on Friday! LOL), but I did want to say what an incredible artist you are. A true master at many styles and mediums. I happened upon you at Leif Ping's site commenting about Romita Sr. (I blabbed a bit myself on his blog).

Anyway, it's also great to meet another fellow African-American illustrator/comic artist. When time allows, skip over to my site. It's a bunch of my published illustrations plus a sneak-peek at a graphic novel I recently had published called "Shmobots" (in collaboration with screenwriter/director Adam Rifkin) can be found there.

Again, great, great schtuff here Don. Keep up the great work :-)

As ever,
Brian (aka Les Toil)

Don Hudson said...

It's great to hear from any fan of John Romita, Brian! You would have really loved working for John, he recognized talent and he belived in fostering new artists.

Thanks for compliments and good luck with your Graphic Novel!