Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Need a hotel room?

It's that time of year! I tried getting a hotel room in San Diego for the Comic-Con and guess what happened? I got a room. It was harder than ever to do, but I did it. I started the speed dialing at 8:59 and I got the booking agency at 9:44! I stayed on hold until 10:02. I booked my acommodations at 10:15. Thank goodness I took the day off from work. I talked about the lack of hotel rooms last year on this blog and I hoped that more hotels would be available. It seems like just enough rooms were available.

1 comment:

Steve Buccellato said...

Ha! I was planning to blog about this same topic today. I had a similar experience...Started hitting the "refresh" button on my web-browser a at 5 minutes to 9, until the convention reservation website became active. Still, the site was so bogged down & slow that it took 50 minutes before I made it through the process (all the while, speed-dialing my phone, just in case!). I got a room finally, but not my first or second choice! They must all be taken by now. WTF?!